Make every effort to produce anti - new crown drugs carefully to do a good job of prevention and control measures
Leadership inspectionOn the same day, the standing committee of the rudong county party committee, the secretary of the commission for discipline inspection, the director of the supervision committee ...
Love donation, a total of anti-epidemic companies to console the government to fight against the epidemic frontline staff
Make every effort to produce anti - new crown drugs carefully to do a good job of prevention and control measures
Information on the environment of key pollutant discharge (monitoring) units in nantong will be released in 2019
Vigorously promote dedication and set an example for party members in the new era
Vigorously promote dedication and set an example for party members in the new era
To be a wolf cadre, answer the four questions of development with practical actions
Big Discussion of “Four Questions of Jinghua’s Development”
The company's first “green blue project-master & apprentice pairing” apprentice graduation ceremony.
公司首屆“青藍工程—師徒結對”滿師儀式暨第二屆結對儀式成功舉行 4月1日下午,在公司新大樓三樓會議室隆重舉行了精華制藥集團南通有限公司、南通森萱藥業有限公司首屆“青藍工程—師徒結對”滿師儀式暨第二屆工...
The company's first “green blue project-master & apprentice pairing” apprentice graduation ceremony.